Review of Gabriella Vöő's Kortársunk, Mr. Poe. Felfedező utak az összegyűjtött elbeszélésekben

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Lívia Szélpál


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Szélpál, Lívia. 2018. “Review of Gabriella Vöő’s Kortársunk, Mr. Poe. Felfedező Utak Az összegyűjtött elbeszélésekben”. AMERICANA E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary 14 (1).
Author Biography

Lívia Szélpál

Lívia Szélpál completed her MA in American Studies and History at the University of Szeged and earned a PhD at Central European University in Comparative History of Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe. Currently she is assistant lecturer at the Institute of English Studies, University of Pécs (PTE). Her research interests include the history (including the unconventional histories) of the USA, the issue of history on film, urban history, modern and contemporary American culture. Email: