New trends in the research of the De administrando imperio

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Sándor László Tóth


The study overviews research over the past three decades concerning the eminent Byzantine treatise entitled De administrando imperio (DAI) formerly attributed to Emperor Constantine VII (about 948‒952). The study focuses besides the international tendencies on the interpretation of DAI, and on the Hungarian chapters (38-40), considering mainly the sources (possible 9th century Byzantine report, Khazar source, the report of Gabriel or Nicetas Scleros or the oral information from Bulcsú karchas and Termacsu). Basically, the researchers accept the historical value of DAI, while emphasizing the possibilities of errors and misspellings, and even conscious distortions. In spite of all, DAI remains the most important source for the political history of the Hungarians, as far as their leaders (Levedi, Álmos, Árpád), political organization (tribes and their names, the Kabars) and connections (Khazars, Pechenegs, Bulgarians) and events (Landtaking etc.) are concerned.

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How to Cite
Tóth, Sándor László. 2022. “New Trends in the Research of the De Administrando Imperio”. Acta Historica (Szeged) 147 (2):149-60.