Acta Historica (Szeged) <p>Az Acta Historica a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Bölcsészet- és Társadalomtudományi Kara Történeti Intézetének időszaki kiadványa. A kiadvány az intézet oktatóinak és kutatóinak magyar nyelvű tanulmányait jelenteti meg. A kiadványnak, amely a Kolozsvári Magyar Királyi Ferenc József Tudományegyetem, majd a Szegedi Tudományegyetem actáit is jogelődjének tekinti, 1957-től több mint 140 kötete jelent meg.</p> hu-HU (Dr. Szántó Richárd) (Dr. Szántó Richárd) Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0100 OJS 60 Selyem és üveg a Római Birodalom keleti kereskedelmében Írott források és értelmezésük <p>Tanulmányomban a Római Birodalom keleti kereskedelméhez kapcsolódó írott forrásokat vizsgálom abból a szempontból, hogy egyrészt az auctorok közlései mennyire valósak a jelenlegi ismereteink szerint, másrészt a mai kutatók mennyiben értelmezik félre az egyes szerzők leírásait. Négy témát érintek: a rómaiak és a selyem, az antik szerzők a selyemről és az üveg Indiában részeket rövidebben, az üveg és üvegtárgyak a Róma és India közötti kereskedelemben témát bővebben elemzem.</p> Székely Melinda Copyright (c) 2021 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0100 Kelet-Európa nomád népei a Régmúlt Idők Elbeszélésében I. Szkíták, bulgárok, ugorok, avarok, kazárok <p>In the chronicle there are many passages on the neighbours of the eastern Slavic tribes and the Rus. In this study I focuse on the first (’cosmographical’) part of the chronicle. The aim of my analysis is to select the reports by peoples, sources and evaluations of the chroniclers. In this part of the chronicle are mentioned many peoples, and all of the nomads are known from Byzantine sources. The chroniclers usually add to the reports of Byzantine origin own material from folk tradition or literature and parallels from the Bible. The reports and stories on the nomads play different roles in the chronicle, they transmit historical lessons for the readers. As for the peoples, the Scythians are the autochtonous people of the steppe, the Danubian Bulgars are partners of the Slavs, the Ugrians (Hungarians) are the wandering nomads who conquer a new homeland. The Avars symbolize the unlimited power and cruelty over the Slavs (Dulebians). The Avars were punished by God, they died out. The Khazars ruled over the Slavs (Polianians) but they lost their power. The chroniclers symbolize through the Khazars the emergence of the Kievan Rus.</p> Polgár Szabolcs Copyright (c) 2021 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0100 Dácia Ravennai Anonymus Cosmographiájában <p>Anonymous of Ravenna wrote his Cosmography in the early 9th century. This work is a detailed description of the world. The first and fourth books of Cosmography contain a description of Dacia. The present study examines the Dacia chapter. The study finds that Anonymous of Ravenna used Jordans’ Getica (The Origin and Deeds of the Goths) and History of Rome (Romana), an early version of the Tabula Peutingeriana, and Paul the Deacon’s History of the Lango-bards. Anonymous of Ravenna described the territory, rivers, cities and inhabitants of Dacia. Dacia appeared in Cosmography under the following names: Dacia Minor, Magna and Dacia Prima et Secunda. Anonymous of Ravenna also named Dacia under the name Gepidia because the Gepids occupied the territory of Dacia. He took this information from Getica. Anonymous of Ravenna listed the rivers of Dacia: Tisia, Tibisia, Drica Marisia, Ariane, Gilpit, Grisia, Flautasis, Danube (Ister). The names of the rivers of Dacia came from Jordan’s Getica. The territory of Dacia, based on the rivers, can be drawn. The fourth book of Cosmography contains the names of the cities in Dacia (Drubetis, Medilas, Pre-torich, Panonin, Gazanam, Masclianis, Tibis, Tema, Tiviscum, Gubali, Bersovia, Arcibada, Canonia, Potula, Bacaucis). Anonymous of Ravenna may have taken most of the toponyms from an early version of the Tabula Peutingeriana, but Tema, Canonia and Bacaucis are new names between the settlements. According to Anonymous, the Huns or Avars inhabited Dacia. Anonymous of Ravenna took this information from Paul the Deacon’s Langobard history. In the Cosmography, the description of Dacia differed from that of Dacia written by antique writers. Anonymous of Ravenna supplemented the data from antique books with information from his century.</p> Szántó Richárd Copyright (c) 2021 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0100 Kavarok és magyarok <p>The study deals with the problem of the prestige and bilingualism presented through the Hungarian-Kabar cohabitation. The interpretation of the role of the Kabars as an auxiliary people of the 9-10th centuries Hungarian Tribal Alliance is generally accepted in Hungarian research. Therefore researchers did not calculate with the significant role of the language of Kabars in the loaning of the Turkish elements of the Hungarian language. It seems contradict this the 39th chapters of the 10th century De Administrando Imperio, which tells about the mutual bilingualism of the Turks (Magyars) and the Kabars. This is the single written source of the probable Turkish- Hungarian bilingualism, which is presumed by the Hungarian language history. So, the subordinated position of the Kabars in the Hungarian Tribal Alliance cannot be considered a certain fact. The establishment of the Hungarian Nomadic State was initiated by the Khazar khagan, by nominating the first Hungarian prince. This process is connected with the joining of the powerful Kabars, who seceded from the Khazars. After the joining of the Kabars, the double kingship was established among the Hungarians. The titles of the princes of the Hungarians, K.nd.h (kündü) and the G.l.h (gyula) are probably of Khazar origin. In addition to these, in the 10th century Hungarian terminology of the state and the conception of state life, a serious Khazar influence can be observed. All these phenomena could be a result of nearly a century long Hungarian-Kabar cohabitation, but not the result of the just three years long Khazar-Hungarian cooperation. Therefore, it is necessary to accept the story of DAI presenting the significance of the Kabars among the Hungarians.</p> Juhász Péter Copyright (c) 2021 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0100 A csatlakozottak presztízse <p>Reflecting to the article of Péter Juhász concerning the Kabar–Hungarian relations this study deals with the connection of these people from the aspect of the concept of prestige. Although I consider the topic relevant, I debate some statements of Juhász, with which he wants to prove the greater prestige of the Kabars and their higher position in the Hungarian tribal union than so far attributed to them by former research regarding them as military auxiliary people. I also criticize the conclusions of Juhász in terms of content and methodology. I doubt his arguments as well about the critical interpretation of Jenő Szűcs on the bilingualism of the Hungarians and Kabars. I would like to make a contribution to the idea of “prestige” with this study and as well as to the use of the work (De administrando imperio) of Emperor Constantine Por-phyrogennate as a source. In my summary I also emphasize the importance of scholarly debates in the research of Hungarian prehistory.</p> Kordé Zoltán Copyright (c) 2021 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0100 A bakonyi „villámhadjárat” (1598. július–augusztus) <p>During the so-called Long War or Fifteen Years War (1593–1606) between the Ottoman and the Habsburg Empires this two weeks campaign (30 July – 12 August 1598) was one of the most successful military operation of the imperial armies. After the first five years of changing luck – loss of Győr and Eger and the defeat at Mezőkeresztes and the recapture of Esztergom – in March 1598 Győr was regained in one day. In the summer of 1598 the allied Christian army (about 20.000 soldiers), led by General Adolf von Schwarzenberg and assisted by Miklós Pálffy and others, reoccupied 8 forts from the Ottomans: Tata, Gesztes, Csókakő, Palota, Veszprém, Vázsony, Tihany and Csesznek. Only Tata and Palota offered resistance, the guards of the other fortresses just fled. The study analyzes with the help of archival and secondary sources the structure of the imperial army, the events and importance of this lightning war in the east Transdanubian territory of Hungary belonging to the Vilayet of Buda at that time.</p> Tóth Sándor László Copyright (c) 2021 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0100 Koháry Péter (1564–1632) <p>The aim of this article is to present an outline of Péter Koháry’s life (1564–1632) and his correspondence, as well as other sources of his life and with the help of them to show his role in Habsburg–Ottoman diplomatic affairs and in the Hungarian military administration. More precisely, this article aims at summarising the main steps of his life and showing the partial results of the collection of his correspondence (e.g. elaboration of these letters and their quantitative analysis, the most important parts of Koháry’s network of relations).</p> Marton Gellért Ernő Copyright (c) 2021 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0100 Grigorij Tyeplov, a 18. századi polihisztor <p>The topic of this study is the presentation of the life and work of the 18th-century Russian polyhistor and statesman Grigorii Nikolaevich Teplov. Teplov was very diversified in the second half of the 1700s. As a statesman, his influence in the court was significant during the reign of Catherine II, among other positions, he held the position of senator, and his cultural and scientific legacy is significant, as he worked as a painter, a musician, and even some of his philosophical works survived. In my study, I want to focus primarily on Grigorii Teplov’s political career, his position in the court, and his relationship with the territories of Little Russia.</p> Pásztor Renáta Copyright (c) 2021 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0100 A pécsváradi úriszék működése a 18. század második és a 19. század első felében <p>After the expulsion of Turks, the lands of the Benedictine abbey in Pécsvárad with many other lands get into foundations, serving the renovation of the high education and the catholicism. For the peoples of this lands the manor-court in Pécsvárad was the prime and most important court. The author, based on protocols and writings, presents the structure and working of this court.</p> Kőfalvi Tamás Copyright (c) 2021 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0100 A rabszolgaság intézménye Texasban a mexikói időszakban, 1821–1836 <p>At the turn of the 18-19th century Texas lay at the borderlands of New Spain and thus was sparsely populated. When Mexico gained independence in 1821, one of the most important aims of the government was to attract immigrants to the region – from the north and the south as well as from the United States of America. There were only a few slaves in Hispanic Texas. Their number started to grow with the arrival of the Anglo-American inhabitants. However, there was an ongoing debate in Mexico throughout the 1820s and early 1830s whether to allow or outlaw the institution. The purpose of this essay is to examine the economic, social and political transformation in the borderland region during this period and analyze how the Mexican government and the inhabitants of the region (Americans as well as Tejanos) related to slavery in Texas.</p> Kökény Andrea Copyright (c) 2021 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0100 Bevándorlás és állampolgárság <p>Texas was part of Mexico from 1821, became an independent republic in 1836 and in 1845 was annexed to the United States. This region became popular among the Germans settlers because a lot of works were written about it that concentrated on the advantages of the territory. Another pull factor was that the Mexican government and the Republic of Texas passed several liberal colonization laws to attract colonists. In my paper, I would like to present some aspects of German immigration to Texas focusing on one of the organizations (the so-called Adelsverein) that was created to help immigration to the North American continent. I will also try to answer the question how the Germans became citizens of their new homeland.</p> Berczeli-Nemcsényi Alex Copyright (c) 2021 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0100 A „népek tavaszának” szerepe a galíciai rutén/ukrán nemzeti mozgalom kialakulásában <p>The process of Ukrainian national revival in Eastern Galicia, that could be traced back to the 1830s and was led by the Greek Catholic clergy, refrained from supporting national aspirations until the mid-19th century. Thus, the national movement of Ruthenians, which developed under the influence of the Polish culture within the province, did not reach the level of independent socio-political organization in Galicia until the age of the revolutions of 1848. The events of the “Springtime of the Peoples” made it possible for the cultural-educational activities of the Galician Ruthenian intelligentsia to be transformed into a national-political movement and for their cultural struggle to continue on a political platform. An important role in this change was also played by the fact that the Viennese government embraced the issue of Ukrainian national rebirth to hinder Polish national aspirations. Although the Galician policy of the Viennese government favoured the Ruthenian national aspirations only occasionally and in response to pressure from the Poles, it still provided them with a much freer framework than the Tsarist court.</p> Varga Beáta Copyright (c) 2021 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0100 Az Oszmán Birodalom és a Liman von Sanders-féle katonai misszió keltette nemzetközi válság <p>In 1913, at the request of the Ottoman government, a German military mission arrived on the shores of the Bosphorus to help modernize the Turkish army. The mission, led by General Otto Liman von Sanders, led to serious great-power conflicts. The Entente powers protested that the Germans were gaining decisive influence in Constantinople. Strong joint action forced Berlin to back down and managed to reach a compromise solution. In the months that followed, the Otto</p> Ferwagner Péter Ákos Copyright (c) 2021 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0100 Társadalmi reform és a Balkán között: <p>In the last decades there has been a growing body of literature on the Eastern Question which emphasize the importance of those networks and pressure groups which were deeply involved in the political, cultural or economic aspects of the Eastern Question. The Balkan Committee was one of these groups at the turn of the 20th century. The founder of the organization, Noel Buxton was a keen supporter of Balkan self-governance and an ardent advocate of social reform in Great Britain. Relying mainly on his personal papers, this article seeks to outline the key motives of Buxton’s life which inspired him to champion the cause of subaltern social classes and nationalities both home and abroad.</p> Balatoni Balázs Copyright (c) 2021 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0100 Harry St. John Philby Palesztina-tervei 1920–1944 <p>In the 20th century, one of the perpetual, unresolved problems of Arab leaders in the Middle East is the Palestinian question. Despite fine rhetoric they are constantly confronted that to this day they have not been able to establish Arab unity on the Palestinian question, or at least achieve that they be seen as equal negotiating partners by the Western powers. Between 1920 and 1940, Harry St. John Philby, a renowned British Arabist, explorer and historian of Arabia, and later an adviser to Ibn Saud, also made an attempt to resolve the issue.1 There are at least as many legends about Philby as there is about Captain Thomas Edward Lawrence, the leader of the Arab uprising,2 and later the confidant of the Emir Feisal ibn Hussein.3 There are also opinions that in the 1930s, Philby circumvented the Iraqi Petroleum Company against the American Socal, persuading Ibn Saud to grant a concession not to the British but to the American oil company, helping to trigger a reorganization of great-power relations in the Middle East.4 Contemporary British diplomats and officials, however, said he was just a careerist rogue. The purpose of my study is to explore the section of Philby’s activities in the Middle East on Palestine and to present the initial Judeo-Arab diplomatic settlement aspirations.</p> Kornéli Beáta Copyright (c) 2021 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0100 Raffay Sándor politikai vonatkozású tevékenysége püspöksége kezdetén <p>Sándor Raffay was invested to be the bishop of the Diocese Montana, the largest community of the Hungarian Lutheran Church on September 5, 1918. The new church leader started his service during a perilous period of 20th-century Hungarian history. The country was defeated in World War I. On October 31, 1918 the bourgeois democratic revolution won and Hungary became an independent people’s republic. More and more territories of the state were occupied by foreign troops. Then on March 21, 1919 there was a Bolshevik takeover of power. During these months Sándor Raffay tried everything he could to protect the rights and unity of his church. He combined these attempts with a strife for the preservation of the country’s territorial integrity. The course of history, however, doomed most of his efforts.</p> Giczi Zsolt Copyright (c) 2021 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0100 Hercegszántói délszlávok az állambiztonsági iratok tükrében (1945–1955) <p>The history of Hungarian–Yugoslav relations can be characterized by frequent changes after 1945 that had a profound and often dramatic impact on the everyday lives of those Hungarians and ethnic South Slavs who lived in the vicinity of the Hungarian–Yugoslav border. In this article, through the prism of state police sources, I will examine some aspects of everyday life of South Slavic minorities who were living at a particular village in the so-called Baja triangle, Hercegszántó. In the first part of my paper, I will provide a reader with some background information on the history of Hungarian–Yugoslav relations with particular emphasis on the minorities, then, in the second part, I will analyse the ethnic and social composition of the village, the effects of the rapidly deteriorating Hungarian–Yugoslav relations after 1948 and, finally, the hopes and fears of the local Magyars and South Slavs during the period of normalization.</p> Vukman Péter Copyright (c) 2021 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0100 Khomeini és az iráni forradalom: elképzelései, intézkedései <p>The aim of this study is to examine the ideas and actions of Ayatollah Khomeini, the founder of the Shiite theocracy in Iran, in three periods: during his exile in France, during the 1979 revolution, and after his victory, during the founding of the new state (Islamic Republic of Iran). To write my study, I used primarily primary sources, such as articles in the international press of the time, which appeared in International Review periodicals, and the writings of the two largest Iranian dailies, Kayhan and Ettelaat. I also used some articles from the Tudeh party’s daily newspaper, Mardom, and a couple of Hungarian and English studies and books. This is a descriptive research focusing on the statements of Ayatollah Khomeini, the interviews made with him and his actual actions during the above mentioned three periods, and necessarily presents the events of the Iranian revolution with a focus on Khomeini’s actions. My research contributes to the knowledge about Middle Eastern and Iranian studies, which is important because few studies exist on this subject in Hungary.</p> Seyedin Szilvia Copyright (c) 2021 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0100