Sobre la existencia de una novela policíaca española : un breve repaso a sus principales títulos, autores e hitos
Contenido principal del artículo
This article intends to reflect on the
convenience or inconvenience of talking about
Spanish detective novel as a solid and
influential crime novel trend as the British, the
French or the U. S. crime fiction trends. With
this aim, apart from having a look to the main
arguments either in favor or against this
consideration, this work delves into the most
important titles and the most representative
authors, on the one hand, and into the political,
social and economical events which have
surrounded the Spanish crime fiction from its
convenience or inconvenience of talking about
Spanish detective novel as a solid and
influential crime novel trend as the British, the
French or the U. S. crime fiction trends. With
this aim, apart from having a look to the main
arguments either in favor or against this
consideration, this work delves into the most
important titles and the most representative
authors, on the one hand, and into the political,
social and economical events which have
surrounded the Spanish crime fiction from its
Detalles del artículo
Cómo citar
Parra Sánchez, D. E. (2015). Sobre la existencia de una novela policíaca española : un breve repaso a sus principales títulos, autores e hitos. Acta Hispanica, 20, 51–62.