La estética del secreto en una novela de espionaje : La deuxième mort de Ramón Mercader de Jorge Semprún

Contenido principal del artículo

Simon Kroll


This paper examines a specific
characteristic of spy novels, the aesthetics of
secrecy, on the example of Jorge Semprún's La
deuxième mort de Ramón Mercader. An important
aspect in the creation of an aesthetic of secrecy
in the novel in question is the variation of the
famous figure of the double. Ramón Mercader,
the protagonist of the novel presents an
interesting case of this, which will be analysed
in the first part of this paper. The second part
of the article points out the overruling
organisation principle of the novel: the secret.
The complex narratological and temporal
structure of the novel obeys to the secret,
which makes it the major formal principle of
this text. The story does not only narrate secrets
but the secret as a formal principle creates a
text with plenty of voices and a complex
temporal structure, contributing to the creation
of an aesthetic of secrecy.


Detalles del artículo

Cómo citar
Kroll, S. (2015). La estética del secreto en una novela de espionaje : La deuxième mort de Ramón Mercader de Jorge Semprún. Acta Hispanica, 20, 41–50.