La represión de lo imaginario en el campo literario Mexicano del siglo XX

Contenido principal del artículo

Juan Ramón Vélez García


This work seeks to study, within the Mexican literary field of the XXth century, the situation
of some authors who have been segregated from it because of their refusal to yield their work to
the requirements of nationalistic themes. I’m going to take as examples of the aforementioned
ideas two illustrative cases: the authors who were members of the group Contemporáneos (such
as Xavier Villaurrutia, José Gorostiza, Jorge Cuesta, Gilberto Owen, Salvador Novo…)
and the writer Francisco Tario (pseudonym adopted by Francisco Peláez).


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Cómo citar
Vélez García, J. R. (2010). La represión de lo imaginario en el campo literario Mexicano del siglo XX. Acta Hispanica, 15, 17–30.