Szociális ellátások és intézmények Szegeden 1945 - 1990 : I.


Ferenc Bárány


The first part of the study deals with the history of social administration and social
institutes in town Szeged from 1945 up to 1990. It explains the changes of the system
of institutions and analisies the links between the needs and services in the years after
the second word war and after the change of the political system. It elaborates different
forms of institutes of the child protection and plans of development of institutionsystem.
It analises in detail problems of child benefits, applied of day nursery and
circumtances of the foster homes. This period is the development of large institutions,
but appear yet the modern conceptions too. The study lies on evidence the minutes
of town council Szeged and statistical data. The study is a part of the resarch on half
century long history of the health and social services in town Szeged.


Hogyan kell idézni
Bárány, Ferenc. 2008. „Szociális ellátások és intézmények Szegeden 1945 - 1990 : I”. Acta Sana 3 (2):7-16.
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