A humán kontrolling szerepe a szervezeti biztonság kapcsán
In order to efficiently manage external and internal risks that may jeopardize safety, it is important to develop and maintain a good organisational strategy. In order for organisations to be able to identify and adequately fulfil safety requirements, they need to put suitable supporting systems in place. Planning, implementation as well as decision support and coordination may be supported by function-specific controlling systems at both strategic and operative level. The use of human resource management control systems plays a key role in shaping corporate safety culture. However, there are a great number of success factors in human resources management and organisational behaviour that may not be quantified at all or may only be quantified to a limited extent. Therefore, it may be necessary to use new tools in addition to the traditional ones. The use of new controlling methods to retain human capital and make HR management more efficient may necessitate the examination of soft factors that are hard to quantify and thus may contribute to smoother corporate processes. For this reason, safety may be a new factor to consider in HR Management control support. Key words: safety culture, controlling, human capital, organisational behaviour
Hogyan kell idézni
Kertai-Kiss, Ildikó. 2016. „A humán Kontrolling Szerepe a Szervezeti biztonság kapcsán”. TAYLOR 8 (5):116-26. https://www.iskolakultura.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/13062.
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